neděle 28. října 2012
Happy Halloween: 31st October
Halloween: history and traditions
Halloween idioms 1
Halloween idioms 2
Happy Halloween: 31st October
Halloween vocabulary
Halloween song
Halloween - history and traditions
Halloween: extra activities
pondělí 22. října 2012
neděle 21. října 2012
A Day Without Teachers
And what would YOU do if you came to school and there were no teachers?
A co byste udělali VY, kdyby jste přišli do školy a nebyli by tam učitelé?
sobota 20. října 2012
What´s the time, please?
Ït´s one o´clock = 1:00
It´s quater past one = 1:15
It´s half past one = 1:30
It´s quater to two = 1:45
Sing a song
Practise the time with a cat :)
And practise a bit more...
Play a game!
Practice makes perfect ... The Book of Time
pátek 19. října 2012
Practice the pronunciation of vowels
Practice the pronunciation of diphthongs!
Practice the pronuciation of consonants!
Practice the pronunciation of more consonants!
Practice the word stress!
Practice the pronunciation!
- Vowels - samohlásky
- Diphthongs - dvouhlásky
- Consonants - souhlásky
- More consonants - další souhlásky
- Stress - přízvuk
- Pronunciation - výslovnost
pondělí 15. října 2012
Pumpkins: Classroom language
Čtvrťáci, pamatujete si na ně? Do you remember them?
2. What did George take out of his school bag?
3. Who hasn´t got his homework and a pencil?
4. Who wants to go to the bathroom?
5. What does "bathroom" mean?
6. Write some classroom objects (a pen, a pencil, ...).
Mushrooms and where to find them
Read the article.
First read and then answer the following questions.
1. How is this Czech favourite hobby called?
2. How do we call the person interested in this leisure-time activity?
3. Are we the only nation to be interested in mushrooms?
4. What has changed in this hobby over the last years?
5. What do the words "edible mushrooms" and "wild mushrooms" stand for?
6. What are some good places near Prague where it is worth going?
7. What´s your favourite mushroom meal?
čtvrtek 11. října 2012
středa 10. října 2012
Why to use Google Translator carefully or why rather not use it at all!

Jsem z východu. ..... I am from exit.
Tvé oči září. ...... Your eyes September.
Škoda mluvit. ....... Damage to speak.
Nebuď labuť. ........ Don´t wake up a swan.
Odpočívej v pokoji. ......... Relax in the room.
Můj drahý příteli. ....... My expensive friend.
Can you translate it properly? Write me your translation.
úterý 9. října 2012
This, That, These, Those
= are for singular nouns: one object
THIS= is for an object which is near to use: This is my lunchbox on the desk.
= is for an object which is not near to use: That is my pen in your pencil case.
= are for plural nouns: 2 and more objects
THESE= are used for objects which are near to use: These are my new shoes.
= are used for objects which are not near to use: Those are my classmates.
pondělí 8. října 2012
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