Test your English with this quick, free online test. It will give you an idea of your language level and recommend you the most appropriate ESOL (English as a Second Language) exam for you.
Answer these 25 multiple-choice questions. Take the time you need. You will see your score, approximate level and answers at the end of the test.
Good luck :)
And here is one more online test by English Language Centres in Sydney for you. You have to type your name, country and email address to get the results. Besides grammar you will also practice listening and reading skills.
CLICK HERE: Test your English 2/SELC
28th October
Vocabulary - Halloween (adults)
Halloween is coming, so let´s pick up some "halloween" idioms or just learn some facts about this holiday known also as All Hallows´ Evening.
22nd October
Interesting links - FCE Result Student´s Site
Open the FCE Result Student´s Site - extra resources - where you can find plenty of interesting interactive activities to help you get the most out of the book.
Interesting links - FCE Result Wordlist
Why not to download the FCE Result Wordlist, print it and bring it to our class. Let´s enrich your vocabulary.
19th October
Grammar - Pronunciation
Ve složce "Grammar" si pod názvem "Pronunciation" můžete procvičit výslovnost samohlásek, dvouhlásek, souhlásek nebo přízvuk ve slovách. Stačí jenom kliknout na slovo "Practice" (co znamená "procvičit si").
15th October
Writing - Photo caption
Ve složce "Writing" najdete pod názvem "Photo caption" první ze sérií fotografií, kterým k dokonalosti chybí už jenom stručný a výstižný popisek (caption). Pokuste se svým trefným komentářem podtrhnout nebo dokreslit myšlenku fotografa.
Writing - Complete a sentence
Ve složce "Writing" pod názvem "Complete a sentence" vyjádřete váš vlastní názor. Napište, jak to vidíte vy
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